The Thesis of critical chronology sais:  The traditional year-count has been corrupted.
                 This appears pretty strange and in contrast to our school knowledge

The Anti-thesis:

The year-count of history is ok
It is confirmed by physical sciences


...may be a challenge against common sense, because this can only be thrue when...
1. Time data and year-count are always linked irregularly
Measured data (e.g. Equinox-date, Eclipses, Length of day, 14C-Calibration, Dendrochronology, Ice-Cores) always call for additional hypotheses to comply with a steady year-count.
-  Ad-hoc hypotheses
to immunize a theory against falsification are not acceptable! [K. Popper]

All these presumptions by leading scientists are valid
-  At the Nicea concile (325) the equinox was reset to march 21st, its traditonal date [Gregory XIII.]
-  Augustus did correct surplus switching days that preceded the construction of his Horologium.
The typical deviations between pre-medieval eclipse reports (coverage, year, day, location) and retrocalculation can be explained from 'deformation tendencies'. [A. Demandt]
-  Eclipse analysis shows: Earth's rotation undergoes long-term periodic variations. [R. Stephenson]
-  After millennia of stability, some 700 years ago the
atmosphere's 14C/12C ratio changed [M. Stuiver]
-  The
14C-difference between atmosphere and sea has changed too since antiquity [Aa.;Ba.;Bo.]
14C-based dendrochronology is perfect, disprooving dendro-dating with roman timber [M. Baillie]
-  The measured ice-depth time-scale of CAMP core is15% off (ref. to isotope distrib.) [Dansgaard]

3. Observations far from statistical expectation can be accepted
-  The significant lack of artefacts from the early middle ages (as compared to other periods).
-  Documents from the early middleages always date recovered buildings incorrectly.
-  Within antique reports, some 25 solar eclipses appear three centuries before the retrocalculated event.
-  Correlations show up between time-shifted and -stretched datasets (e.g. 14C vs. SOin ice-cores).

4. History does repeat, at times

-  Separated by three centuries, dozends of duplicate events can be identified.

Just a few examples:
-47  and  272       -  Burn-down of the Library of Alexandria
 -12  and  283       -  Destruction of the Basilica Julia at Rome
 325 and  629       Mother of the emperor Constantin acquires the Holy Cross at Jerusalem [F. Thiess]
 306 and  610       -  Numerous parallels are found for the times of Constantin I. and of Heracleios I.
 613 and  912       -  Constant gap between the elder Pippin and Charles III. and their predecessors


If this is not the case, the Anti-thesis is wrong!

                                                                                                            H.-E. Korth - July 2008

Aardsma, G.E. (1996): Toward an absolute chronology at Elk lake, Minnesota, Radiocarbon 38, 3, pp 603 ff.
Baillie, M. G. L. (1995): A slice through time. Dendrochronology and precision dating. pp 37ff, 'Kirnsulzbach dispute'
Bard E. et al. (1994): The North Atlantic atmosphere-sea surface 14C gradient during the Younger..., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 126, 275-287
Bondevik, S. et al. (2001): The marine 14C age of the Vedde Ash Bed along the west coast of Norway. J.of Quaternary Science 16 (1) 3-7
Chlodnicki, M. et al. (1998): The Pipeline of Archaeological Treasures, Posnan, (no relic from early middleages within 600 findings)
Dalmau W. (1993): Bestimmung des säkularen Verhaltens der Erdrotation, Dissertation Uni Tübingen, Frankfurt. p. 117
Dansgaard, W., et. al. (1971) Climatic record revealed by the Camp Century ice core, In: Turekian, K.K., editor, The late cenozoic glacial ages. p. 37-56
Demandt, Alexander (
1970): Verformungstendenzen in der Überlieferung antiker Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse, Mainz
Gregory XIII, Pope (1582): Encyclica 'Inter Gravissimas', §7
Hollstein, Ernst (1980): Mitteleuropäische Eichenchronologie, Mainz
Heribert; Anwander,Gerhard (2002): Bayern und die Phantomzeit. Archäologie widerlegt Urkunden des frühen Mittelalters. Eine systematische Studie, 2 Bände, Gräfelfing.
Libby, Willard F. (1955): Radiocarbon dating. - 2. ed. - Univ. of Chicago Press, p. 8
Popper Karl (2000): Vermutungen und Widerlegungen. Ausgabe in einem Band. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen
Stephenson, F. R. (1997): Historical Eclipses and Earth's Rotation, Cambridge
Suess, H. E. (1967): Radioactive Dating and Methods of Low-level Counting, 143; IAEA Vienna.
Stuiver, M. (1971) Evidence for the variation of atmospheric C14 content in the late quaternary. In Turekian, K.K., editor, The late Cenozoic glacial ages. p. 59
Thiess, Frank (1959): Die Griechischen Kaiser. S.875: Martina, the 2nd wife of emperor Heracleios and stepmother of his son Constantine was holding the official title 'Mother of the emperor'. She followed her husband to Jerusalem. [hek: It appears not very likely that Helena, the old mother of Constantin has traveled to Jerusalem in 325 to search for the Holy Cross.]

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